Monday, 18 November 2013

Deacon's Blog

So here I am, after all this time preparing to become a deacon, I have finally arrived.  But where have I arrived? 

It’s a bit of a shock to realize I haven’t arrived anywhere.  It’s more like I’ve finally been allowed to get on the bus; the journey is just beginning. With all the focus being on ordination, it was easy to forget that being ordained only gave me permission to be a deacon; it didn’t make me a deacon. 

 What makes for being a deacon is serving; serving the community of St Joseph and the community at large.  I suspect that the first six months of this new life (and yes, being ordained is like starting a new life) will be ‘on the job training’. Please try to be patient with me. Most of the instructions that come with this job are rather sketchy, and I will need a lot of help figuring out what I am meant to become. 

 In the meantime please feel free to give me your input (like I need to give St Joseph people permission to tell me what they think…ha). I will try to make entries to this blog every week or two. Telling you what I am up to and what I think is important for you to know.  A deacon needs to open up the doors of the church; so that the community can see in, and the congregation can see out.  I promise to do my best.

Peace and all good,

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Stayed Tuned for New Blog Posts from Our Deacon

On October 6, 2013, Mark Stephen was ordained into the Sacred Order of Deacons at St. Joseph's. The service was presided by Bishop Philip Poole, Area Bishop of York and Credit Valley area.

Deacon Mark hopes to use this blog to document his journey while he explores his role as Deacon in the St. Joseph community, and as a way of keeping in touch with the parishioners.

Stay tuned ...